
Join us for the third installment of the Jumping Rivers Shiny in Production conference!

Hosted in the centre of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, this conference will delve into the world of {shiny} and other web based R packages.

Whether you’re a seasoned {shiny} user who wants to network and share knowledge, someone who’s just getting started and wants to learn from the experts, or anybody in between, if you’re interested in {shiny}, this conference is for you.

Take a look at our YouTube channel to see what it's all about!

Find us at The Catalyst, 3 Science Square, Newcastle Helix, Newcastle, NE4 5TG.

Want to support our conference? Take a look at our sponsorship options, and get in touch!


Abstract submission is now closed. We will be announcing the full speakers list in the coming weeks.


Registration timeline

  • 31st December: 7th January: Super early bird registration deadline
  • 30th June: Abstract submission deadline
  • 31st July: Early bird registration deadline
  • 25th September: General registration deadline
  • 9th October: Conference begins
Ticket type Conference only Workshop and conference
Super early bird £137 £208
Early bird £173 £277
General £231 £346


Shiny in Production will take place over two days, split into an afternoon of workshops and a day of conference talks. Tickets are available for either the conference only, or for the conference and one of the day one workshops.

We will also be hosting a drinks reception on the Thursday evening, which is included in the price of your ticket!

Wednesday 9th October

Day 1 will consist of an afternoon of workshops run by some of our very own Jumping Rivers R pros, as well as guest presenter Cara Thompson.

All Workshops will run from 13:30 to 17:00 with a refreshment break.

Workshop 1: Level up your plots: Tips, tricks and resources for crafting compelling visualisations (Cara Thompson)


Data visualisations are a great asset in getting people talking about your findings. From making the patterns in the data easy to see, to making a big visual statement and keeping people talking beyond the end of your presentation, transforming your plots from functional to aesthetically pleasing and visually compelling is about so much more than making things pretty.

In this workshop, we'll explore how we can make the most of colours, different plot types, text, and interactivity to maximise the impact of our visualisations. Here's where we're looking to boost your dataviz confidence:

  • crafting intuitive dataviz-friendly colour palettes without compromising on accessibilty (or creativity!)
  • selecting the right type of dataviz for your data and your story
  • making the most of typography to optimise text hierarchy and readability
  • using annotations wisely to both help interpretation and declutter the visualisations
  • turning your ggplot into an interactive plot for additional data exploration
  • packaging up your decisions easy reuse across plots (and projects!)

This is intended as a hands-on workshop, so bring along a laptop, a plot you're working on or a research question, and some data. Throughout the workshop, I will highlight free resources for each of these aspects of dataviz development. The aim is for you to leave with a plot that you'd be happy to publish, and with some resources you can continue to build on.

Learning Outcomes

  • crafting intuitive dataviz-friendly colour palettes without compromising on accessibilty (or creativity!)
  • selecting the right type of dataviz for your data and your story
  • making the most of typography to optimise text hierarchy and readability
  • using annotations wisely to both help interpretation and declutter the visualisations
  • turning your ggplot into an interactive plot for additional data exploration
  • packaging up your decisions easy reuse across plots (and projects!)

Workshop 2: Building Responsive Shiny Applications


The diverse range of devices used for modern web browsing presents challenges when designing an application that works well for all users. Enter responsive design: the practice of building fluid web pages that “work” on huge 4k and 5k monitors, tiny smartphones and all things in between. This course will look at responsive design principles and best practices for Shiny developers, covering page layout, easy-to-add widgets and some simple CSS tricks for when built-in solutions don’t quite cut it.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will…

  • know what responsive web design is
  • know how to use flexible grids to adjust page layout for mobile, tablet and desktop
  • be able to use HTML5 elements and Shiny Widgets to use limited space efficiently and effectively
  • know how to add CSS and JavaScript snippets to an app for finer customisations
  • understand how to test Shiny apps on various screen sizes from desktop to mobile

Workshop 3: Asynchronous Shiny


Imagine you couldn’t register to attend “Shiny in Production” if someone else was in the process of registering, and you had to wait until they had finished before you could click to “Buy tickets on EventBrite”. This kind of “blocking” shouldn’t happen in modern web applications but is surprisingly common in Shiny applications. It happens because a single R process handles all of the server-side processing for multiple users—one long-running task can prevent any other task from proceeding, hampering interactivity both between and within user-sessions.

Fortunately, Shiny’s support for asynchronous programming can alleviate this problem. In the asynchronous approach, you start tasks running without having to wait for them to complete. But, this requires a change in mindset for many programmers and there are a few concepts to understand before you can take advantage of this approach. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for this workshop!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will…

  • understand how within-session and between-session blocking can arise in a Shiny app
  • understand the basics of asynchronous computation
  • solve between-session blocking with future/promise
  • solve blocking the modern way, with ExtendedTask

Workshop 4: Building Apps for Humans


Frameworks like Shiny and Dash can help those with a scientific or mathematical background communicate their research in a way that’s interactive and engaging. But while these tools can make constructing a graphical user interface quicker and easier, there’s no guarantee that the end product is going to be optimised for human use.

This workshop is aimed at scientists (and the curious) that are interested in learning some basics of human-computer interaction and gaining an understanding for how science itself can assist with the development of better user interfaces that, in turn, lead to improved user experiences.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will…

  • understand the benefits that come from designing applications with the human mind in mind
  • know how the layout, colour, size and motion of interface and graphical components can be used to enhance (or detract from) a user’s experience
  • understand the importance of providing users with feedback so they can tell both whether their actions have been successful and what the current state of the application is
  • be able to identify some common problems found in web applications

Drinks Reception - Time: 17:00 - 19:30

All tickets include entry to the drinks reception on Wednesday night. Hosted in the atrium of the Catalyst building, this will be a great opportunity for networking and relaxing before the following day of talks!

Thursday 10th October

Day 2 will consist of a range of talks from expert speakers across industry. The lineup will be announced soon.



  • Clarissa Barratt headshot While working towards her PhD in applied mathematics Clarissa discovered her love of science communications. She lives in Innsbruck, Austria, and her goal is to make scientific disciplines accessible to everyone.
    Clarissa Barratt
    Building apps for humans
  • Russ Hyde headshot Russ has previouly worked in molecular biology and bioinformatics. He holds a PhD in Molecular Physiology and MSc in Mathematics. Russ is an author of several CRAN packages and mentor on the R-for-data-science community.
    Russ Hyde
    Asynchronous Shiny
  • Pedro Silva headshot Pedro is a full stack developer with over 15 years of experience in the field, loves front-end and R Shiny development, and is a moonlight practitioner of JavaScript dark arts.
    Pedro Silva
    Building Responsive Shiny Applications
  • Cara Thompson headshot Cara is a freelance data consultant with an academic background, specialising in dataviz and in "enhanced" reproducible outputs. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, and is passionate about maximising the impact of other people's expertise.
    Cara Thompson
    Level up your plots: Tips, tricks and resources for crafting compelling visualisations


  • Keith Newman headshot Following a PhD in statistics at Newcastle University, Keith developed software to improve road safety modelling. He enjoys creating Shiny apps and teaching the use of R.
    Keith Newman
    Title coming soon
  • Cara Thompson headshot Cara is a freelance data consultant with an academic background, specialising in dataviz and in "enhanced" reproducible outputs. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, and is passionate about maximising the impact of other people's expertise.
    Cara Thompson
    Data-To-Wow: Leveraging Shiny as a no-code solution for high-end parameterised visualisations

More to be announced.


Photo of Clarissa Barrat
Clarissa Barratt
Photo of Tim Brock
Tim Brock
Photo of Colin Gillespie
Colin Gillespie


Situated just a short walk from the iconic St James' Park, The Catalyst is home to both the National Innovation Centre for Ageing and the National Innovation Centre for Data. It forms part of the Newcastle Helix, the state-of-the art innovation district in the centre of the city.

Photograph of the Catalyst building at night

The Catalyst is just a ten-minute walk from Newcastle Central Station, on the East Coast mainline, with regular trains to and from Edinburgh and London taking around ninety minutes and three hours, respectively.

Where to find us



Code of Conduct

Shiny in Production will follow the code of conduct as laid out by the R Consortium.